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Stage SIV

Histoire de voir ce que c'est que c'est vraiment de se prendre des frontales, des fermetures asymétriques, on est allés faire un stage SIV (Simulations Incidents de Vol) avec le CLAM à Annecy.

Un immense merci à Victor Sebe pour ses connaissances, ses explications, sa patience et ses conseils précieux.

Just to have an idea of how it feels when your wings shuts in front of you and you free fall, or when half of it shuts, we did a training called (SIV in French, which is simulation of incidents while flyin) above Annecy's lake with the CLAM.A huge thanks to Victor Sebe for his knowledge, his explanations, his patience and his precious pieces of advises.

La fine équipe au déco

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